In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.
In the beginning were church words,
lessons to be read to the rapt congregation.
Step up to the lecturn. Projection, enunciation.
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Sit down, kneel down, stand up, sing.
My sister and I knew all the lines, we mouthed along, we rolled our eyes.
The words of the Father, our father, preaching, teaching,
I do not like Hell.
It is not for me,
Nor I for it.
I do not like punishment,
Especially eternal.
I would get bored
Being always punished.
I do not like Heaven either.
Bolts across spine, down arms
Shocks wrists
Tingles palms
Tickles upon my neck, shivers my thighs
As the leaves turn brown,
Bringing seasons that drown
The sun says hi,
And the moon says goodbye
Life keeps going on,
Time rushes by in a flash
The stars gleam with the same beauty as they did years ago,
Everything is the same
But somethings flourished and some perished
And now the times have changed in an instant,
18 years of
“Look after each other,”
Making sure the other was alright
After a small fight or major disappointment
18 years we’ve been together,
Literally since the womb,
Teaching each other and
Knowing everything about one another’s lives
I do not like Hell.
It is not for me,
Nor I for it.
I do not like punishment,
Especially eternal.
I would get bored
Being always punished.
I do not like Heaven either.
Bolts across spine, down arms
Shocks wrists
Tingles palms
Tickles upon my neck, shivers my thighs
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.
In the beginning were church words,
lessons to be read to the rapt congregation.
Step up to the lecturn. Projection, enunciation.
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Sit down, kneel down, stand up, sing.
My sister and I knew all the lines, we mouthed along, we rolled our eyes.
The words of the Father, our father, preaching, teaching,
18 years of
“Look after each other,”
Making sure the other was alright
After a small fight or major disappointment
18 years we’ve been together,
Literally since the womb,
Teaching each other and
Knowing everything about one another’s lives
As the leaves turn brown,
Bringing seasons that drown
The sun says hi,
And the moon says goodbye
Life keeps going on,
Time rushes by in a flash
The stars gleam with the same beauty as they did years ago,
Everything is the same
But somethings flourished and some perished
And now the times have changed in an instant,