Do I find fault in others, and miss it in me?
Is it hard to forgive my family?
Has my self-righteousness led to tragedy?
Am I myself a pharisee?
Can I walk by someone who has a need?
Do I look down on others with impunity?
Do all my ways serve only me?
Am I myself that pharisee?
The best keepers of Gods law look down,
Comparing themselves by themselves around. (2 Cor 10:12)
And outwardly if you’re better than others you’ll see,
How you’ll be included in service and not me. (Luke 11:27)
They’ll smile at, and talk to, and to your face are kind,
But their hearts are far from God and they’re terribly blind. (Matthew 23:27)
For any love that they have is a fleshy love at best.
We are working out our faith while God is working in,
the Holy Spirit sanctifies us through Gods word in Him.
God from all eternal past had called us to be chosen,
Then later made our hearts anew and they became unfrozen.
Gods Spirit works in each of us to bring to our remembrance,
He quickens the Word in each of us and leads us to repentance.
The Holy Spirit breaks sins grip and by His power frees us,
He also leads us into all the truth concerning Jesus.
The Holy Spirit, our comforter, in God he helps us trust.
Assures us we are sons of God, while He intercedes for us.
Sin comes from within
God teaches his servants.
Sin permeates our being
Which is our observance.
Eve trusted her eyes,
Instead of her ears.
She likes what she sees,
Above what she hears.
Remorseful expression for someone you maim.
Or anger and withdrawal, from others you blame.
One shows empathy, the other’s for fame.
And that is the difference between guilt and shame.
Sin comes from within
God teaches his servants.
Sin permeates our being
Which is our observance.
Eve trusted her eyes,
Instead of her ears.
She likes what she sees,
Above what she hears.
We are working out our faith while God is working in,
the Holy Spirit sanctifies us through Gods word in Him.
God from all eternal past had called us to be chosen,
Then later made our hearts anew and they became unfrozen.
Gods Spirit works in each of us to bring to our remembrance,
He quickens the Word in each of us and leads us to repentance.
The Holy Spirit breaks sins grip and by His power frees us,
He also leads us into all the truth concerning Jesus.
The Holy Spirit, our comforter, in God he helps us trust.
Assures us we are sons of God, while He intercedes for us.
Remorseful expression for someone you maim.
Or anger and withdrawal, from others you blame.
One shows empathy, the other’s for fame.
And that is the difference between guilt and shame.
Do I find fault in others, and miss it in me?
Is it hard to forgive my family?
Has my self-righteousness led to tragedy?
Am I myself a pharisee?
Can I walk by someone who has a need?
Do I look down on others with impunity?
Do all my ways serve only me?
Am I myself that pharisee?
The best keepers of Gods law look down,
Comparing themselves by themselves around. (2 Cor 10:12)
And outwardly if you’re better than others you’ll see,
How you’ll be included in service and not me. (Luke 11:27)
They’ll smile at, and talk to, and to your face are kind,
But their hearts are far from God and they’re terribly blind. (Matthew 23:27)
For any love that they have is a fleshy love at best.