Ching chang wallah Poems

Popular Ching chang wallah Poems
the failures of the slavs abandoning communism
by Matthew Conrad

why drive? own, "own", a car?
the things h'americans love the most...
oh not underage cider drinking sessions
with the fucking leprechaun...
burgers and diesel!
i watch the modern "Nouvelle Vague"
(new wave... or is that...
the new vague? sorry... yes...
not vogue)...
why the limousine when you can take


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Recent Ching chang wallah Poems
the failures of the slavs abandoning communism
by Matthew Conrad

why drive? own, "own", a car?
the things h'americans love the most...
oh not underage cider drinking sessions
with the fucking leprechaun...
burgers and diesel!
i watch the modern "Nouvelle Vague"
(new wave... or is that...
the new vague? sorry... yes...
not vogue)...
why the limousine when you can take


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