Celtic Poems

Popular Celtic Poems
Arthurian Poems by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

These Arthurian poems by Michael R. Burch are based on mysterious ancient Celtic myths that predate by centuries the Christianized legends most readers are familiar with.

At Tintagel
by Michael R. Burch

That night,
at Tintagel,
there was darkness such as man had never seen...


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Recent Celtic Poems
Arthurian Poems by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

These Arthurian poems by Michael R. Burch are based on mysterious ancient Celtic myths that predate by centuries the Christianized legends most readers are familiar with.

At Tintagel
by Michael R. Burch

That night,
at Tintagel,
there was darkness such as man had never seen...


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