Cease playing with my feelings by graham erekosima Poems

Popular Cease playing with my feelings by graham erekosima Poems
Cease Messing with my Feelings
by Graham Ereks

Cease messing with my feelings, I pray thee!
Don't be the Zacchaeus in need of a tree.
My feeling's grown up, mega pregnant,
Oscillating now and then, indeed not stagnant.

Ought I to be to you the mendicant at the beautiful gate;
Why treat me like a dry bone? Can't we just date?
I am a living soul, not the entombed Lazarus,
Madly in love with you, for you're so precious.
May I know your code, my jewel, my angel?


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Recent Cease playing with my feelings by graham erekosima Poems
Cease Messing with my Feelings
by Graham Ereks

Cease messing with my feelings, I pray thee!
Don't be the Zacchaeus in need of a tree.
My feeling's grown up, mega pregnant,
Oscillating now and then, indeed not stagnant.

Ought I to be to you the mendicant at the beautiful gate;
Why treat me like a dry bone? Can't we just date?
I am a living soul, not the entombed Lazarus,
Madly in love with you, for you're so precious.
May I know your code, my jewel, my angel?


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