Castrato choirs and easter egg fury Poems

Popular Castrato choirs and easter egg fury Poems
Fulmar egg harvest at Lónin - looking for a lost Fabergé...
by Matthew Conrad

i can clearly hear how english mutates...
a book review by a channel... better than food...
the book he's reviewing is goETHE's captain faust:
and the non-avengers...
but no...

i don't hear: stick an umlaut anywhere you please...
i, "for some reason"... do not hear
a: Θ... a göethe... or a goëthe (ladin alphabet -
the germans know about this)...


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Recent Castrato choirs and easter egg fury Poems
Fulmar egg harvest at Lónin - looking for a lost Fabergé...
by Matthew Conrad

i can clearly hear how english mutates...
a book review by a channel... better than food...
the book he's reviewing is goETHE's captain faust:
and the non-avengers...
but no...

i don't hear: stick an umlaut anywhere you please...
i, "for some reason"... do not hear
a: Θ... a göethe... or a goëthe (ladin alphabet -
the germans know about this)...


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