Bridge Poems

Popular Bridge Poems
The Wind On The Ledge
by Chloe Foster

The wind scatters her hair,
The fragile fabric of her shirt clings to her back.
The wind attempts to push her forward,
As her crowded and crammed mind begins to retract.

Trapped in a memory,
Existing in the exhausting grasp of the past,
Her world; wrapped up in a few moments,
A box of trauma and pain that has yet to pass.


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Sous Le Pont De Del Rio Texas. USA
by Hébert Logerie

Sous le pont De Del Rio sont arrêtés, coincés, entassés

Amassés des milliers d'Haïtiens migrants, pas d'Ukrainiens

Franchement, s'ils étaient ces derniers, ils ne seraient pas sanctionnés

Détenus, rabaissés, offensés, maltraités et déportés comme des Haïtiens

Comme des troupeaux de bétail dans des centres de détention au Mexique ou dans leur patrie


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Bajo El Puente Del Río, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Bajo el puente Del Río están parados, atascados, estacionados

Miles de inmigrantes Haitianos, no Ucranianos

Francamente, si fueran estos últimos, no serían sancionados

Detenidos, humillados, maltratados y deportados como Haitianos

Como rebaños de ganado a centros de detención en México o en su Patria


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Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA

Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants


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Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
by Hébert Logerie

Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america

Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa


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Recent Bridge Poems
Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA

Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants


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Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
by Hébert Logerie

Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants
Migrants, like all of us, are simply seeking a better life on a different land


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Sob A Ponte Del Rio, Texas, EUA
by Hébert Logerie

Sob A Ponte Del Rio, Texas, EUA.

Sob a ponte Del Rio eles estão parados, presos, estacionados
Milhares de imigrantes Haitianos, não Ucranianos
Francamente, se fossem os últimos, não seriam penalizados
Detidos, humilhados, maltratados e deportados como Haitianos
Como rebanhos de gado para centros de detenção no México ou em sua terra natal
É estúpido, triste, odioso e nojento ver os tratamentos bárbaros
E as humilhações infligidas a eles pelos agentes da Patrulha de Fronteira
Que são descendentes de migrantes pobres e antes desesperados


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Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
by Hébert Logerie

Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america

Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa


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Bajo El Puente Del Río, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Bajo el puente Del Río están parados, atascados, estacionados

Miles de inmigrantes Haitianos, no Ucranianos

Francamente, si fueran estos últimos, no serían sancionados

Detenidos, humillados, maltratados y deportados como Haitianos

Como rebaños de ganado a centros de detención en México o en su Patria


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