Bench Poems

Popular Bench Poems
by Nastasimir Franović


At the end of the field, there is a hill
At the hill, there is a lonely Turkish oak
Lumpy, filled with a lot of red, tight growth rings
Stands angry and stout
Sometimes a Golden eagle rests still on the highest branch
Or a Peregrin falcon fly by chasing sparrows away
The hill is neither rocky nor a real home of a Turkish oak
Wind couldn’t bring it across the road


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Recent Bench Poems
by Nastasimir Franović


At the end of the field, there is a hill
At the hill, there is a lonely Turkish oak
Lumpy, filled with a lot of red, tight growth rings
Stands angry and stout
Sometimes a Golden eagle rests still on the highest branch
Or a Peregrin falcon fly by chasing sparrows away
The hill is neither rocky nor a real home of a Turkish oak
Wind couldn’t bring it across the road


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