Belief Poems

Popular Belief Poems
My Firm Belief Is, That Pizarro
by Aldous Huxley

My firm belief is, that Pizarro
Received education at Harrow -
This alone would suffice,
To account for his vice,
And his views superstitiously narrow.

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You Taught Me
by Abasiama Udom

You taught me Papa,

that the way to heaven is paved with lack and tears

that they who wear finery will never see the street of Gold.

You taught me that blessings come from God,

You said I only need to commit to prayer.


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357. A Grace Before Dinner
by Robert Burns

O THOU who kindly dost provide
For every creature's want!
We bless Thee, God of Nature wide,
For all Thy goodness lent:
And if it please Thee, Heavenly Guide,
May never worse be sent;
But, whether granted, or denied,
Lord, bless us with content. Amen

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Let the people speak…….
by Muskan Sharma

Let people speak
Let the people speak.
You just live your life
Do what you want to do,
Don't listen to such people
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break you
Who want to destroy you
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break your confidence


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by Peter Dr Lim

'Twas easy
to be deceived
if readily
you believed

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Recent Belief Poems
by Peter Dr Lim

'Twas easy
to be deceived
if readily
you believed

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Let the people speak…….
by Muskan Sharma

Let people speak
Let the people speak.
You just live your life
Do what you want to do,
Don't listen to such people
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break you
Who want to destroy you
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break your confidence


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बोलने दे लोगों को
by Muskan Sharma

बोलने दे लोगों को
बोलने दे लोगों को ।
तू बस अपनी ज़िंदगी जी,
कर जो करना है तुझे,
ना सुन ऐसे लोगों की तू ,
जो तुझे गिराना चाहते हैं,
जो तुझे तुटता हुआ देखना चाहते हैं ,
जो तुझे ख़त्म करना चाहते हैं,
जो तेरा हौसला गिराना चाहते हैं,
जो तेरा आत्मविश्वास गिराना चाहते हैं,


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Just wait!
by Muskan Sharma

Just wait!
Just wait!
Wait for the right moment,
Life is struggle
Never ending struggle,
As long as there is life,
Till then there is struggle.
You too will definitely get,
which will be yours.
Just wait,


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With You
by Yoko Fushigina

Our life is a hive of delusions.
It is filled with the things I don't get.
That is why in my dotish illusions
I'll abide by the lead of your hand.
Winds are toying with curls of your hair,
Inhaling the scent of your vine.
So I'm jealous, 'cause it's only fair
When this right is exclusively mine.
Like a jingle your laughter is sonant.
Voice is charming, melodic as spell.


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