Artists Poems

Popular Artists Poems
The Greats
by Tyler Morello

All artists strive to be like the Greats.
No shame in vying to be someone's Van Gogh,
Going, going, gone, Homer
with his Odysseys and Iliads
and to all, a million ears lent.
Just as Romans did to Antony in Caesar.
Shakespeare's sonnets sold out theatres,
but I grasp at the same words as he.
I pin them to the walls.
I paint them on the mirror.


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Tales of a Paris Flâneur
by Carl Halling

My Paris begins with
Those early days
As a conscious flâneur;
I recall the couple
On the Metro,

When I was still innocent
Of its labyrinthine complexities;

Slim pretty white girl,


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Ode To Artists
by D.A Yvii

An ode to poetry

An ode to the poet

A celebration to the tree

A dedication to the leaf which fell from it

Shame the thief


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Recent Artists Poems
The Greats
by Tyler Morello

All artists strive to be like the Greats.
No shame in vying to be someone's Van Gogh,
Going, going, gone, Homer
with his Odysseys and Iliads
and to all, a million ears lent.
Just as Romans did to Antony in Caesar.
Shakespeare's sonnets sold out theatres,
but I grasp at the same words as he.
I pin them to the walls.
I paint them on the mirror.


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Ode To Artists
by D.A Yvii

An ode to poetry

An ode to the poet

A celebration to the tree

A dedication to the leaf which fell from it

Shame the thief


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Tales of a Paris Flâneur
by Carl Halling

My Paris begins with
Those early days
As a conscious flâneur;
I recall the couple
On the Metro,

When I was still innocent
Of its labyrinthine complexities;

Slim pretty white girl,


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