Archives Poems

Popular Archives Poems
Archives of you
by Teodora M

To this day, I've never written about you,
Not a line, not a word, not a clue.
Where to start? What to say?
Our story was brief,
but you've haunted me for such a long time

We had our own language, you and I,
A secret script that no one else could decode.
Now, in every face, in every laugh, I search for a sign of you—
the sardonic smirk, the biting wit, the maddening charm.


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Recent Archives Poems
Archives of you
by Teodora M

To this day, I've never written about you,
Not a line, not a word, not a clue.
Where to start? What to say?
Our story was brief,
but you've haunted me for such a long time

We had our own language, you and I,
A secret script that no one else could decode.
Now, in every face, in every laugh, I search for a sign of you—
the sardonic smirk, the biting wit, the maddening charm.


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Popular Poets about Archives From Members
  • Teodora M
    Teodora M (1 poem about Archives)
    December 31, 1999 - Serbia