Alt tech social media hoax pushed by the cool kids of youtube in the anglosphere Poems

Popular Alt tech social media hoax pushed by the cool kids of youtube in the anglosphere Poems
the alt. tech / media hoax
by Matthew Conrad

the cool kids of delete your account...
well? good thing i didn't do what they said...
i'm one of the first few to be banned
on this safe-haven of alt. free-speech commentators...
puppets: where: are: your: strings?!

so i revived an interest in Fb...
well... ask any Greek visiting Warsaw...
ask anyone not speaking English as their


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Recent Alt tech social media hoax pushed by the cool kids of youtube in the anglosphere Poems
the alt. tech / media hoax
by Matthew Conrad

the cool kids of delete your account...
well? good thing i didn't do what they said...
i'm one of the first few to be banned
on this safe-haven of alt. free-speech commentators...
puppets: where: are: your: strings?!

so i revived an interest in Fb...
well... ask any Greek visiting Warsaw...
ask anyone not speaking English as their


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