A letter Poems

Popular A letter Poems
To Ken Burns
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

Dear Sir,

When are you going to do a film about Kerouac and the Beat generation?
They are important to American history in the last part
Of the twentieth century; as for Hemmingway
But who gives a care about Hemmingway anyway?
He didn't influence the Beatles or Warhol
Hemmingway died stuck in the lost generation
How many teenagers rebel by reading him? None
There's not much of the beat genration left


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Recent A letter Poems
To Ken Burns
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

Dear Sir,

When are you going to do a film about Kerouac and the Beat generation?
They are important to American history in the last part
Of the twentieth century; as for Hemmingway
But who gives a care about Hemmingway anyway?
He didn't influence the Beatles or Warhol
Hemmingway died stuck in the lost generation
How many teenagers rebel by reading him? None
There's not much of the beat genration left


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