A history of eden Poems

Popular A history of eden Poems
an ode to alcohol
by Matthew Conrad

the only time it seems to be
acceptable to drink warmbeer...
probably the only time -
when first dipping your lips
into ms. amber bathing in a ginger ale jacuzzi -
and then... a sip of a warm stella artois
beer - such a good beer,
such a bad reputation -
i'm surprised as to why ol' bud is king -
piss juice - if you're going to make


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Recent A history of eden Poems
an ode to alcohol
by Matthew Conrad

the only time it seems to be
acceptable to drink warmbeer...
probably the only time -
when first dipping your lips
into ms. amber bathing in a ginger ale jacuzzi -
and then... a sip of a warm stella artois
beer - such a good beer,
such a bad reputation -
i'm surprised as to why ol' bud is king -
piss juice - if you're going to make


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