A cry against indecency Poems

Popular A cry against indecency Poems
by Christen Kuikoua

Oh, indecency what ruin you have sown!
Once, this world trembled before the Almighty,
once, men and women clothed themselves in honor,
but now, nakedness is the new beauty,
Extravagant is their new god
and shame parades without restraint.

A battle rages man against woman, woman against man,
not for righteousness, not for truth,
but for dominance in a game already lost to sin.


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Recent A cry against indecency Poems
by Christen Kuikoua

Oh, indecency what ruin you have sown!
Once, this world trembled before the Almighty,
once, men and women clothed themselves in honor,
but now, nakedness is the new beauty,
Extravagant is their new god
and shame parades without restraint.

A battle rages man against woman, woman against man,
not for righteousness, not for truth,
but for dominance in a game already lost to sin.


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