Pilgrim Roy

I am a pilgrim travelling the heavenly way walking through life with Jesus. He is my constant companion and friend
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The council of the Triune One

Before the moments of time had begun
at the great council of the Triune One.
A great plan for the salvation of man
was agreed upon before life began.

"Here I am", Jesus said, "Send me."
Willing, was He to hang upon the tree.
Willing to be constrained to human span.
Willingly He entered the world of man.

The Word that heralded creations birth
was born in human form upon this earth.
God, Eternal, Immortal, Only Wise
entered into our world in fleshly guise.

In Bethlehem Jesus earthly life began
He who measured the universe with a span.
Into a manger wrapped in swaddling bands
a Babe much smaller than the span of man.

This wonderful child in Bethlehem born
has heralded the birth of a new dawn.
God had become a Babe and came to earth
so that man could enter heaven by new birth.
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