Pilgrim Roy

I am a pilgrim travelling the heavenly way walking through life with Jesus. He is my constant companion and friend
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He who had been dead was dead no more

‘He's mine' boasted the grave in victory.
'He is dead so now he belongs to me.'
But Death had forgotten about the One
who is God's One and Only Belovèd Son.

Jesus had arrived upon that sad scene
giving hope where only despair had been.
'I am the Resurrection and Life,’ said He
'and the power of Death is subject to me.'

'Where have you laid him?' sadly Jesus sighed.
'Come and see, Lord,’ both the women replied.
Seeing their helplessness at the graveside
deep tears of sorrow the Son of God cried.

They opened the tomb, rolled the stone away.
Then they heard Jesus in a loud voice say,
'Lazarus come out,' and amazingly they saw,
that he who had been dead was dead no more.

'Remove the grave clothing and let him go,'
and each semblance of death was removed so,
and His mighty power over death Jesus did show
in that little town of Bethany so long ago.

(written after reading od the death of Lazrus in John 11)
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