Pijush Biswas

July 12, 1988 - Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
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If anybody loves you, let him know
All but your living style;
The recoiling miseries will disperse -
Thoughtful life will increase it's area.

Love that hides n'er can give
But teach us how to be loved 'gain
'Cause everything made in difference.
All those last in love,
Are but some accepting and giving;

Those who deny any of these two
'Oft liable to be out of life,
For, he lives in narrow, transient span
Which hardly favours him
To stand, or sit, or lie
Better to love all,
To live long and be in transactions

What does it matter?

Try to be honest
Try to be replenished 'gain,

The dote of life n'er be short
If, anywhere you love anyone truly
Either you'll last in debt
Or you'll last in having,
Both can be well counted, when,
Love truly exist in you

So further you try to be true
In heart, in mind, in thinking

You will n'er lose anyone;
Sustenance of lives will be full
About you'll be strong
To earn, to give, -
More that lives is but truth.
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