Pijush Biswas

July 12, 1988 - Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
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These Are Snow, As Far As I Know

These are snow, as far as I know
Then, what immaturity of sun afields these!
Far if I go, would the roads allow
To return my home, or release
Untold worries of the day?

These are snow, as far as I know
Yet, I must go to my dear friend;
The woodland is hard and dry though,
Must say 'SORRY' to mend-
Would the love he repay?

These are snow, as far as I know
Still, these must be in favour, hope
The day must come to bow
Down before my will, atope;
And I'll find good way.

[Published in his self-published book "Some Suitable Words", in 2018]
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