Philip Henry Savage

1868-1899 / the United States

For My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts, Neither Are

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are
your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

GOD, thou art good, but not to me.
Some dark, some high and holier plan
Is hid beyond the world with thee.
To the immortals, not to man,
God, thou art good.

I do conceive thee wholly wise,
And good beyond the power of touch.
Eternal lovingkindness lies
In all thy purposes; so much
I do conceive.

I do confess in thee above,
All that thy lovers have to thee
Ascribed, of fellowship and love.
The words of Jesus on the tree
I do confess.

Into thy hands I do commend
My spirit. All thy ways I trust;
In fear acknowledge to the end
Thy will, and perish with the dust
Into thy hands.

God, thou art good, but not to man.
Thy purposes do not contain
The mighty things I hope. Thy plan
Looks past humanity and pain.
God, thou art good.
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