As for me, I became the knife that pares notes
from the sparrow's throat, I flew the fighter
that dropped the bomb on the Cathedral
of Erotic Mystery, as for me, I filleted
your piano, looking for the harp concealed
under the fallboard, then I did what singers do
in arias, I joined the Royal Navy,
Dogsbody, 4th class, mother gave me a bag
of pease pudding, an ampoule of opium,
and a chintz cape slash shroud, lined with moonstones,
as for me, I was in the kitchen baking
lavender cakes, hoping to snare the honeybees
that dropped the bomb on the Cathedral
under the fallboard, then I did what singers do
in a sacred chantey, I tied my leg
to a rocket and launched myself from the beach
into the sky so I could watch the villagers
race from their high pastures to the sea to grab
their harpoons and set off on their jet-skis
in pursuit of whales, as for me, I spent weeks
with my nose glued to your apse, in my green
mantilla and thong, filling evidence bags
with Meissen dildos, snail shell prayer beads,
tibias and fibulas and leaves of ashen psalm,
as for me, back in real time, without you,
I was coding my way to the monkey house
on easy street, I was shooting H-O-R-S-E
with myself when we smelled burnt sugar, skin,
a plume of brown smoke was blocking the sun,
gulls circled, meowing like a sack of children,
as for me, I'm the sentry of a green motel,
over the ancient sea, I guard the window
of Erotic Mystery, as for me, I fillet
the salt glazed glass by my teeth, by my nails,
etching-in your eyes your hair your legs your breasts,
tibias and fibulas and leaves of ashen psalm.