Peter Dr Lim

Born in then Malaya, now residing in Australia
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Yesterday--where was I?
moments in a time- trajectory
that carried me inexorably
to the here and now
and it's up to me
(as a sojourner lonely)
this instant to decide
whether to look back --either in anguish
or joy---it's all a matter of choice—
if not now
yet somehow
some day (nothing that’s worthy of life will perish)

in the distant future
be it grim or dim, glorious or enchanting
the past shall come back to roost
as it wants to be reckoned with--breathing

its undistinguishable fire into the work-shop of our life--
where was I in times long gone?
did I do my rightful part then?
what lessons have I gathered to move courageously on?
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