The qualities I look for in a subordinate are
A situation in which humor might be most unwelcome is
After considering which is better, to be wealthy or wise
My greatest sense of personal fulfillment depends on
It's one thing to champion a sticky empiricism
But it's another altogether different thing to
I think of myself as a caring professional who as the days
And nights tumble by like woozy pandas trying to achieve
A position conducive to procreation
She had an accent that turned eyes to ice, heart
to hard, and transubstantiation to
From the bloody throats of those dull-colored birds
That scream at the sun,
As a patch of grass and wildflowers where lovers lay
Begins to revive, so too my mind once oppressed by joy
In that one moment when they begin to flap
Frantically in their doomed arc, the great books I fling
Off a high balcony almost
A complete individual is one who
Now there are hands, lovely hands that have played
Rare instruments in the dark and thrown
Many a burning basket into the wind, and there are eyes
I like to think my superiors value my ability to
It is easy for me first thing in the morning to scoff
At questions like how many angels can dance on a pinhead,
But such figments, especially when immersed in paradox,
Oxymora and the like, don't seem so frivolous when we
Recollect the most intense and memorable experiences of our
Lives, experiences that in one moment produce a state of
Devastating superflux, of many simultaneous, powerful and
Distinct if not contradictory feelings, that when captured
In words not only allow the closest thing to prayer that the
Faithless can rely on for solace, but also remind us how
Figurative speech provides a refined atavistic satisfaction,
Especially evident in the way deeply imagined metaphor by
Enlivening objects reawakens the residual susceptibility
Of the primitive, superstitious mind to fetishism and