hello journey people hello
welcome to these pages
these are the stages on our journey
hello, goodbye...
i will meet you at the corner
i will find you at the fringes
at the crossroads of our prayers
i will see you at the centre of our forming
traveller warrior man troubled
warrior journey woman tired but...
trying into the limitless sky
in pursuit of the other side
in pursuit of routes and truths
journey woman...
what are your formulations?
i too am searching for my foundations
i searching for roots
i am searching...
and if any of you
traveller warrior journey people
ever get to the other side
tell them that we were made of flesh
and blues
tell them we were twisted into flesh
and loss and lies
tell them that we were woven into long
tapestries who hold us up
when we can't uphold ourselves
tell them that we were made of flesh
so hello..