Nastasimir Franović

Dubrovnik 12.04. 1960.
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Your eyes

The first time I saw your eyes, I didn't even stop.
I didn't even think that something mine was hidden in them.
Even now I don't know if they were drinking sky
I just knew it was summer.

Many summers have passed.
I wanted to be caressed by your eyes.
Even now I don't know if they were drinking sky.
Maybe I'll meet them again, who knows.

Maybe then they will tell me something.
Because the eyes are like the sea.
But they don't speak like the sea, or like people.
The eyes speak with a glance.
And a glance is a flood of words.

Hoping to meet your gaze.
To be splashed over by that torrent.
I will look for your eyes.
They have something to tell me.
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