mv venkataraman

August 28, 1959- India
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Men will End the World, my Friend ?

World is day by day getting spoiled by violence and immorality,

Days of peace are going to be totally nil to create a vacuum.

Eye for eye, blood for blood, hatred for hatred will prevail.

Love, mercy, kindness, generosity, nobility and magnanimity

Will become just past matters and everyone will be cruel.

Principles of Machiavelli will be followed by every person.

Blood will flow everywhere like rivers and none would bother.

Rapes will take place irrespective of any relationship madly.

Murders will happen like drinking water to create anarchy.

Immorality and promiscuous sexual activities will only occur.

All will carry killing weapons and be ready to attack for fun.

Falsity alone will prevail and truth will be driven out of the world.

All the sacred places will face destruction without any botheration.

This will continue for many years and one day total collapse will occur.

Scientists say the Sun will lose its power and World will face its end.

Hopefully somewhere some other World may be existing with Nature.

The dead souls may be transferred there to be created as per their sins.

So, God knows what to do with the souls as bodies are lost forever.

The good and bad must die and they deserve an appropriate place.

Heaven or Hell or rebirth will be decided by God accordingly.

One thing is sure. Gods can never be cheated by humans surely.

Whatever probe man may undertake, he can't locate God definitely.

There may be other forces as Gods and man mayn't be aware of them.

So, praying in general to a force as God will bring enough blessings !

M V Venkataraman
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