The old woman and man walk slowly out the lane.
Headed for the house at the end of the lane.
Two young people stand in the yard.
Wondering who these old people are.
The old couple spoke,
"Welcome to our neighborhood"
It was certain to be the start of something good.
They brought vegetable soup right out of the their cellar
and home fried sausage that was wonderful for any fellar.
They were warm.
They were kind.
They could be friends for a life time.
They were there when the first child came.
They were there in the snow and rain.
They were there in spite of their age.
To help the young couple on their way.
They had no children of their own
but helped raise eight children to be their own.
Each child takes with them the love of neighbor,
having a friend and a partner who was willing to labor
and lend a helping hand to an unknown neighbor.