Mimoza Ahmeti


It's Obvious You'Re An Ass

A face, once attractive, now damaged,
In your traces I encounter the death they caused you,
In the women you lost, whom you left, who fled from you
In order to survive somewhere
On emotional alms.

A face, attractive even today, despite all the destruction, doubt,
A body you drag around and conceal in an accursed land.
Giant proportions and pitiful at the same time.
A ring in your ear - something to give meaning to the absurdity.
Every day you gamble some of the quality of a star, you wane in the sands,
Every night you gain some of the immortality of death.
Oh, now that you are expiring, while you are still dying,
You hurl terrible tentacles of sickly silence into the air ...
With a flick of your whip you catch, pull in, entangle,
With sterile lips, the senseless body.

I have often encountered the traces of your dissipation, your dissolution,
Your indirect manner of expression, of pollution,
Furtiveness, sophistry, fickleness, inexistence,
Of that inconstancy on which nothing can be constructed.
Luxurious feelings, destructive in their essence,
Claw like cats at the breasts of abandoned women.
An attractive soul led astray, you continue to err,
You know how to behave, but there is no moral in your soul.
I am yours, you have me, as you always had,
Support, breath, path out of a blind alley,
But you don't understand because you're an ass
And this is why
I love you
So terribly.
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