Maurine Fergueson

Layton, Utah

The Rookie

Over in the corner a shadow stands still
I turn on the light, through my body a chill The room is musty the furniture worn
In the middle of the floor lies a lifeless form My partner's a Rookie, he's knees went weak
It's his first time for a scene this bleak The body, beaten and bruised beyond repair
A woman so frail, dried blood in her hair When the light was turned on the corner shadow slid down
The tiny child shaking, as she wept in a mound There was blood on her fingers, and some on her cheek
Marks on her Moms head showed the child's fingers made the blood streaks
Her little fingers were stroking as she whispered,
"Mommy don't die"
When there was no response, she put her cheek on Mommy to silently cry
The Rookie walked over, knelt and held out his arems
In the eyes of the child were tears and alarm She held out her Dolly and said, "take her first
My Dolly doesn't understand, and she hurts the worst
Please be kind to my Dolly and don't treat her mean
She is made of cloth, she's not a human beint" The Rookie took the doll and with a quiver in his voice "I will treat her gentle, and to you I'll be kind"
His eyes were moist
"Just like your dolly you're Mom needed kindness,
But she had no choice
If you will trust me just once I will be kind to you
I want you to know humans need kindness too" "Will Mommy wake up and take care of me?"
The child's question revealed what the Rookie's
Job would be.
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