Matthew Conrad

May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
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reversed Eden

you can clearly replace the metaphor of the apple of Eden with a mushroom, given the current trend of "enlightened" people these days... not so much an apple, but a mushroom, as the story goes... i'm less mammal and more: "inclined" to posit a fungus hierarchy, i'm infested with a funal rot... should a brain hemorrhage find, i'll be living under the pseudonym: penny bun... anyone who has ingested the mushroom of Eden will see a wobbly third arm tenticle growing out from the tip of my spine, that's connected to the skull... great short-script bypass... or rather: on the "event horizon"... is it just me... rebelling against the fungus overlord in saying: a black hole is a 2D object in a 3D space, spinning really fast, like those ferns in the original tomb raider for PS1? just me then... i do remember raidning a smurfs' honey fungus village once... riding my salto bicycle... chanterelles mushrooms... suillus luteus mushrooms: pickled... yes, i'm a monkey with a pseudonym: fungus host... i have the will of a mushroom, and the degenerate potential of a shaved ape... i am born of 'shroom, and some mushy peas and some mashy tatties... from an apple you'd get cider... no one knows, really, whether Eve and the schizphrenia of the serpet came first... it must have come "last", given... Adam probably did some mushroom-thinking on the side... getting drunk probably saved the hallucinogenic junkie to begin with... thank god i never invested myself in these hallucinogenics... getting drunk was the best venture i could succumb to... ancient rot mushroom being faced with newly ingested fungus? it would send the old guard into hyper-stress... a mushroom mingling with a hedgehog... well: if this is what darwinism did for history? why not pay darwinism back... again: i didn't evolve from a monkey... i devolved from a monkey... i'm physically weaker, i am also mentally weaker... a monkey will find the simplests of things entertaining... a man needs to create labyrinths of rules to find himself entertained... he needs a colliseum... he needs blood sports... ne needs games... he needs a diet of an omnivore... a panda remains a panda by digesting bamboo stalks... what's there to brag about? being half-mammal half fungal infestation? at least a parasite akin to a tapeworm you can shit out... how the hell will you get rid of a fungal brain parasite? the atom bomb won't fix it... mushroom cloud galore... it's almost a joke; thought and the "internal" voice of "reason"... i was always a monkey that should have eaten the apple and discovered fermentation first... rather than jumping on the mushy-mushy train of: "not enough room".

to some mythological nord -
a song...
garmarna - hilla lilla -
where they still trill their ᚱ - journey -
not this tarantula bitten numb
of the anglo-ßaß:
there needs to be a diacritical
marker to distinguish the trilled R
of the remnants of the rattlesnake...
long gone is it in english -
the fwench simply hark the letter...
it doesn't come easy
to be this reminiscent...
but what is a man to do,
perched on a windowsill -
with a folded leg sat on for a cushion,
the night, the timid moon -
the slowly grazing clouds for
this instance,
soon to migrate like storks from
Poland to the middle-east,
or robins from England come winter
to a designation shy of the Ural
now... the circus...
english is a language overcome by
metaphysics... nil knot of orthography...
varangians, goths,
it's so boring living
in a nation, in this evolved bureucracy
of a people...
this... pyramid-esque labyrinth...
sure... there's no over-inflated
try: to succumb to a grave not worth
the architectural genius...
the pyramid is flatenned...
and has become a labyrinth of shadows...
and sly command
and what not!
i have come to inherit the conundrum...
i have come to inherit so much history...
so much history that i could only
become a disorientated glutton...
i can't stomach his hoarded history
rubric... varangian, goth, ruthenian...
vandalen... lugier... the Lugii...
czarna kiszka - haggis...
we share the same food...
oh but to no oh to be worth
the modern argument with avail...
modern life... ah! such prizes! such benefits!
for all the numbness of the spectacle...
the argument from the posit of
dentistry's anaesthetic?
from medicine's anaesthetic?
this? this?!
give me 5 minutes of
excruciating of pulling my tooth...
to 60+ years of numb apathy and boredom...
pain first, i will settle for the medieval ignorance
of not being able to alleviate pain...
no medicine can begin a quest to excite what is
numb... then again:
the hydra sticks its head out:
to see... how the numbed are numbed in the second
tier of the anaesthetic...
fuck it... i'll say...
when love was love and not some
dating app. profile... leaving you with
nothing to keep hidden...
back when...
this man is a German... no...
this man is a fosen, a burgunder,
a quaden, a gotonen, a vandalen, a lugier...
that was fun...
community politics,
european exotica... no need to bother the africans...
that seems like a fun bit of history...
before what became the hive mentality of:
zee germans...
eh fwench...
a british peoples subject to the crown...
uh: nord for the scandinavians...
pierdelone po-la-la-ki: the western slavs...
still, pockets of the old world still remain...
on these isles?
any irishman that speaks gaelic...
the welsh...
and if the scottish bothered...
in Poland? the Silesians...
and the Kashubians...
the Hessians in germany...
the schwabs...
remnants of old history
still remains...
before the shit-show of nation-states...
pocket communities...
beside the current globalist
geographical rubric of the U.N. bollocks...
locally sourced nouns...
oh god, i love locally sourced nouns...
difference within the confines
of a shared language...
a bit like Scous... Lorraine Franconian...
and... Biker-Grove Geordie-pound-pouncer...
or the Essex biting knit-bouts off of

when the world was small...
adventure riddled...
rather than some touristy commute...
coming back in the antithesis
chimp body paradox to sitting around
doing fuck all except yawning...
a fucking gorilla being a veggie baron...
while man: eating all that meat...
so much for darwinism...
why would i "want" to devolve from
the physical prowess of a gorilla
or a panda... amassing that sort of size...
eating nothing but root and vegetables
and fruit?
a tad bit contradictory...
a gorilla could restle a t-rex in king kong...
i'm pretty sure a gorilla could wrestle
a tiger or a lion: dead...
why did i devolve from a gorilla into
man? i didn't evolve... i devolved...
if the timeline is correct... mind you...
the anglo-saxon posit the genesis in
africa... good luck!
i posit my "genesis" in india...
indian elephants, african elephants...
japanese jacuzzi monkeys....
lions... tigers...
matter... anti-matter...
sure... any germanic kInd typos would place
origins in Africa... i place my origins in India...
i still don't understand why i would
evolve from a gorilla... to a human...
em... why would i leave the minimalistic
approach to life?
why cook? bother.
why clean? bother.
why wash? bother.
why feng shui? bother...
why treadmill? bother.
why suntan and lotion? bother.
why holiday? bother.
why heroin? bother.
why giving the hippy theory light:
psychadelic mushroom, took a hippy-trippy
free ride... having infested the brain? bother.
am i living under a mushroom
or under an umbrella when it rains? bother.
a gorilla is stronger than a human,
a human requires an omnivore diet...
the gorilla requires a herbivore diet
and continues to prove it's stronger. bother.
a gorilla can find the sound of rain
tapping leaves in a rainforest equivalent
to the complexity of mozart. bother.
homo similis = homo sapiens. bother.
"missing" link. bother.
the monkey becoming a man...
the pictorial ascent of man?
you know the picture...
there's a new interpretation of it...
ending up with a man hunched over a keyboard...
there's also another...
way way prior to this "conclusion"...
there's the man dragging a crucifix toward
golgotha... hunched...
get the idea?
hunched dragging a cross
predates hunched before the altar of a computer
screen... pixel: i.e. looking into Belzeebub's eye...
no, i really don't think i evolved
from an ape... i devolved from an ape...
there's no argument to counter my almost
Martin Luther escapade of the prime myth:
if a grain of sand will enter the ear of a horse,
and further down its head...
the horse will start to gallop against a brick wall
in an attempt to get the irritating grain
of sand out from its ear and head...
until? well... whether the brick wall breaks...
or the horse's head is bashed open...
that's why i was discouraged from
studying history in an academic playing field
having to swtich to chemistry...
darwinism killed history... the whole tease
of hindsight... that motivational impetus to study
the secluded intricacies beside the obvious dates...
i am honestly a shitty version of a monkey...
not even monkeys carry the potential for
so many diseases, plagues,
even trees survive for a long
time with the botanical version of cancer...
the mistletoe...
better 30 years as a prime example
of a monkey... than 90... as a decrepit inane (and not
insane) example / ad. concerning:
think about 70, before getting a tattoo!
i don't think we evolved...
physically - not really...
yes and no...
a gorilla would find mozart in rain hitting
leaves as it dropped...
it would find j. m. w. turner and claude monet in
each and every sunrise or sunet...
oh great... language... and "thinking":
given the countless examples...
i'm pretty sure "thinking" is not a universal given,
an evolutionary plateau: standard...
tsunami wave, baron: | | | |...
it would be nice, though...
plagued by anima demi-deity homo-mongrel...
history prior to darwinism?
a notable mention of:
philip II augustus of the Capetian dynasty...
now? french toast soaked shitty
breadcrumps of trivia...
knowledge was, once,
now? pub-quizzzzz trivia!
i didn't evolve: i devolved (borrowing from the darwinian
narrative): physically i am weaker...
mentally? i am more agitated...
a gorilla could find eternity in a rock
without moving it, simply looking at it...
then came Sisyphus, deciding that no philosopher
was to come of him,
and he rolled the rock up against a mountain...
since... he didn't find anything entertaining
in an inanimate object...
he had to make an inanimate object
into a subject - himself included -
i.e. an animation...
while the panda just chewed
at the baboo stalk and riddled...
so much for catching salmon with my
cousin the grizzly in canada;
i'm much more entertained watching these
two idiots state the pre contra pro
21st century bookmark.
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