Mary Jacqueline Simon Moo

Jacqueline S. Moore] (1926-2002 / Hannibal, Missouri,

This Canada of Ours

Ye valiant sons of health and toil
And men of every grade,
Who either cultivate the soil
Or live by honest trade,
Rejoice that ye have lived to see
Upraised to princely powers
This great Dominion of the free-
This Canada of ours.

Where is the land we can compare
With Canada the blest,
Outstretched o'er half the hemisphere,
Away from east to west?
A healthy clime, a sky sublime,
While fertilizing showers
Come down to bless with plentiness
This Canada of ours.

Great cities dot our cultured land,
While happy homes declare
That men of toil have cleared the soil
And now earth's blessings share;
And many a home is beautified
With gardens, walks and bowers,
Whose owners boast with honest pride
This Canada of ours.

We well may boast a fishing coast
Of undefined extent;
But all our waters teem with fish
Throughout this continent;
Then game abounds o'er all our grounds,
While choicest fruits and flowers
Are here to show how much we owe
This Canada of ours.

Our mighty forests unexplored,
Our lakes of vast extent,
And mines, where countless wealth is stored,
Enrich our continent.
Deep rivers and broad prairie lands,
With hills like lofty towers-
For nature formed with giant hands
This Canada of ours.

We live in peace, for peace we prize,
But should the foeman come,
Our sons are brave our land to save
And guard each happy home;
The daring foe would quickly know
Our courage never cowers,
And deeds would prove how much we love
This Canada of ours.

Old England has our gratitude
For all her favors shown,
But in our manhood now, we should
Be fit to stand alone.
Still in the garland of our Queen
Shall be no fairer flowers
Than those received from Canada-
This Canada of ours.

One common language let us speak.
One subject be our aim,
The good of Canada to seek
And aid her rising fame;
Then by-and-by we'll take our stand
Among earth's greatest powers,
And sing the glory of our land-
This Canada of ours.

The license law in Canada
Shall soon be wiped away,
And sober men with voice and pen
Shall hail the glorious day.
When we shall have the curse removed,
Which marred our midnight hours,
And then prosperity shall bless
This Canada of ours.
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