Mary Jacqueline Simon Moo

Jacqueline S. Moore] (1926-2002 / Hannibal, Missouri,


The flowers are fading, the trees getting bare,
And thin frosty vapours are chilling the air,
For nature is losing her mantle of green,
And now in a rusty-brown robe may be seen.

The beauties of summer are faded and past,
And the sweet, balmy breeze is exchanged for the blast,
And Autumn is losing her rich golden store,
And Winter, grim Winter, is coming once more.

The gay scenes of Summer, and Autumn's rich treasure,
Have given me oft' the most exquisite pleasure-
The pearly dew sparkles in Summer's gay morn,
Whilst Autumn shows golden fields smiling with corn.

I love the long days when the fair face of nature
Is sprinkled with gems, and a smile on each feature,
'Tis then I delight to traverse the wild mountain,
Or seek the green valley, beside the clear fountain.

O! is it not pleasing to spend the sweet hours
Amid nature's beauties of verdure and flowers?
Yet still more enduring the sober-toned mirth
Enjoyed in securing the fruits of the Earth.

Thus blest with abundance and social delights,
We dread not the coming of long winter nights,
For Winter has pleasures, and while the storms rage
We may be consulting some favorite page.

And the cold drifting snow which forbids me to roam,
But sweetens the social enjoyment of home,
While cozy and warm near the stove or the fire,
I glance o'er a paper or tune my rude lyre.

Or perhaps meet a friend of approved conversation,
And talk of what tends to our edification,
Thus time hastens on like a bird on the wing,
Till Winter recedes to give place to fair Spring.
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