REDEEMED, redeemed!
The word went forth from the Father's throne,
And a flood of light from His blessed Son
Upon the suppliant streamed;
And the angel hosts with one accord,
Sent forth a shout and song,
For another soul by their mighty Lord
Was promised to their throng.
Forgiven, forgiven!
The words rose up as the thunder's roll,
And on the humbled, trembling soul,
The echoes fell from heaven:
And the angels touched the silver strings
Of their harps, and caught the word,
Veiled their glad faces with their wings,
And bowed before the Lord.
Rejoice, rejoice!
Great was the sound of joy above,
And brighter seemed the founts of love,
Sweeter the angels' voice;
And all because one weary heart
Had courage to be blest,
Had taken up the better part,
And bathed its wings in rest!