Martin Farquhar Tupper

July 17, 1810 - November 1889 / London

On A Like Occasion (From Klopstock)

Asleep in the shade I found her:
With a garland of roses I bound her
She knew not what chain was around her
But slept with placid cheek:

I look'd on her; and my being
Was ravish'd with that sweet seeing,
I felt as if life was fleeing,
I felt, and could not speak.

I struggled to whisper,- she heard not;
I shook the rose-garland,- she stirr'd not;
I look'd, and my heart it err'd not;-
She woke from her beauteous sloth:

She look'd on me; and her being
Was ravish'd with that dear seeing;
We felt as if earth was fleeing,
And heaven about us both.
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