Martin Farquhar Tupper

July 17, 1810 - November 1889 / London

Bows And Rifles (A Song For Volunteers.)

In days long ago, when old England was young,
Her bows were the toughest that ever were strung,
And fearless and frank in their heart and their tongue
Were those old archers of England,
Like her young riflemen now.

In days long ago all her yeoman went arm'd,
And sturdily fought, though they steadily farm'd,
And England's sweet daughters were either way charm'd
With the bold archers of England,
Like her young riflemen now.

In days long ago we were famed even then,
And ever shall be so till no one knows when,
For pretty girls loving the bravest men,
Those merrymen archers of England,
Like her young riflemen now.

In days long ago, all the world was in fear
Of England's old bowmen, and dared not come here;
And now shall invaders keep equally clear,
As with those archers of England,
Like her young riflemen now.

Since in
days, as in days long ago,
When Edwards and Harrys were feared by the foe,
For England we stand, and we'll let the world know
That sons of those archers of England,
Are her young riflemen now!
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