Martin Farquhar Tupper

July 17, 1810 - November 1889 / London


Bravo! brave old Teuton heart,
Noble 'Marshal Forwards!'
Bravo! every better part,--
Nature, Providence, and Art,--
All are shouting Forwards;
If we gain, to gain the more,
Pressing on to things before,
Ever marching forwards;
If we lose,-- by swift attack
Soon to win those losses back
By the rule of -- Forwards!

Forwards; it's the way of life,
Always urging forwards,--
Be it peace, or be it strife,
Stagnant-ripe, or tempest-rife,
All is moving forwards;
Generations live and die,
Stars are journeying on the sky
By the law of forwards;
Space and Time, and you, and I,
All -- but God's Eternity --
Tend for ever forwards!

So, good youth, go on and win!
Conquest lives in Forwards;
Go, if once you well begin,
Steering clear of self and sin,
Forwards, ever forwards!
Never could the foe withstand
Honest Blucher's one command,
Forwards, soldiers! forwards,--
Never shall the foe be met
Bold enough to front thee yet,
If thy face is Forwards!
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