Martin Farquhar Tupper

July 17, 1810 - November 1889 / London


Higher, higher, ever higher,--
Let thy watchword be 'Aspire!'
Noble Christian youth;
Whatsoe'er be God's behest,
Try to do that duty best
In strength of Truth.

Let a just ambition fire
Every motive and desire
God and man to serve:
Man, with zeal and honour due,
God, with gratitude most true,
And all the spirit's nerve!

Let not Doubt thine efforts tire,
God will give what all require,--
Raiment, home, and food!
And with these contented well,
Bid thine aspirations swell
To the Highest Good!

From the perils deep and dire
Of Temptation's sensual mire
Keep thy chasten'd feet;
Dread, and hate, and turn away
From the lure that leads astray,
Satan's pleasure-cheat!

And, while thus a self-denier,
Stand the stalwart self-relier,--
Bravely battling on,
Though alone,-- no soul alive
Ever stoutly dared to strive
But saw the battle won!

Though thy path be thorn and brier,
Every step shall bring thee nigher
To Creation's prize;
With 'Excelsior' on thy flag,
Thou shalt tread the topmost crag,
Climbing to the skies.

Higher, then, and always higher,--
Let thy motto be 'Aspire!'
Whosoe'er thou be;
Holy liver! happy dier!
Earth's poor best and Heaven's quire
Are reserved for thee!
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