Marie sponte

august,13, 1989
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A toast

I sit at a ginormous table with all the friends and family
My plus one seat left vacant
I know both the bride and the groom
So where would I sit
It didn’t really matter I guess
Because either side I'd sit on id still be there alone
Watching the love they have and always have had
The day dreaming is abruptly interrupted
as it is time for the toasts
I try to suppress my laughter when I think about how
All these people are choosing to ignore what happens next
We all secretly know,
They will go off to there happily ever after
And only call when they need a babysitter
Or to gloat about how amazing the honeymoon was
They’ll leave all of us yet we still toast.
Toast to their happiness, Toast to their love.
Luckily no one saw my suppressed laughter
And I continue to sit there
In a mask, politely clapping with a calm smile on the outside
And a billion thoughts on the inside.
Those thoughts began to darken as it becomes my turn to toast
Of course I couldn’t say how I truly felt
So I lie
I lie so good, no one could possibly know the truth
A part of me is proud of myself
But the other part wants me to place a bomb under the table
and kindly ask to be excused then leave with a twisted look on my face
As I exuberantly detonate it and drive off into the pouring rain.
Of course it was raining.
For the only person who truly knows how I feel is God
and God alone.
The light fixtures began to dim and direct everyone's attention
On the bride and groom as they start the first dance
They looked happy
As they always did when they were together
A true high school romance at its peak
For years I've been one of those people who’d
Ignore the fact that they would go off into the sunset and leave
I would say things like, “I am so happy for you guys” and
“I just know y'all are getting married one day”‘
But after years of lying to yourself you began to grow tired of it
How long could I go without exploding?
I could feel the tension swelling from my chest to my throat
Just keep the mask on, Just keep the mask on
The angel on my shoulder said, but the devil on the other side was deafening
I swear I had no choice but to listen

Who knows what I ended up doing that night
But in the morning I woke up behind bars without a penny to my name
I guess the mask finally came off
And I finally got the revenge I was longing for
The angel on my shoulder had left
I was now a prisoner to the tiny devil on the other
Hopefully I didn’t mess them up too bad
I really wanted to be invited to the baby shower.
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