Maria Barnas

1973 / Hoorn

A City Rises

Into the city from the top storey.
The streets of Buenos Aires are roaring below.

The city where everything turns out right.

They take you along in right-
angles. But shadows are blowing here

and pebblestone buildings
swirl. There is one

with a heart of grazed red stone.

And so as not to see a heart pouring itself out
you go downstairs. Hang onto your shadow.

The red hem round your neck opens out
into a red river. Think waterfall.


A piano lid slams a house shut.
Swipes a building against the wall.

In the lift you stumble over the threshold from a certain house.
A ceiling of stars ascends.

Twenty storeys plunge. Full length.
A city rises.

Translation: 2008, Donald Gardner
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