Margaret Cavendish

1623-1673 / England

Motion Makes Atomes A Bawd For Figure.

DID not wild Motion with his subtle wit,
Make Atomes as his Bawdº, new Formes to get. ºprocurer, go-between
They still would constant be in one Figure,
And as they place themselves, would last for ever.
But Motion she perswades new Formes to make,
For Motion doth in Change great pleasure take.
And makes all Atomes run from place to place;
That Figures young he might have to imbrace.
For some short time, she will make much of one,
But afterwards away from them will run.
And thus are most things in the World undone,
And by her Change, do young ones take old's roome.
But tis butt like unto a Batch of Bread,
The Floure is the same of such a Seed.
But Motion she a Figure new mould, bak'd,
Because that She might have a new hot Cake.
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