Maggie Pogue Johnson

the USA

The Story Of Lovers Leap

To the state of West Virginia,
During the Summer days bright,
Countless numbers are wending their way
To the Old Greenbrier White.
A famous resort of the South,
Which for years has held her fame,
And dame and sage of every age,
Honor White Sulphur's name.
'Tis here many lovers meet,
And stroll on her carpet green,
As the eve grows old, tales of love unfold,
And many just sweet sixteen.
Happy moments they do spend,
Yea! moments of delight,
As hearts in union blend,
They praise Greenbrier White.
Now for the places of interest,
Of one I'll venture to speak,
Which seems by far most visited,
Long known as Lovers Leap.
Where two lovers, once upon a time,
Whose love was true and tried,
Both with determined minds,
Ne'er to be denied,—
Climbed to this very high precipice,
Looked o'er the rugged steep,
Decided within a few moments,
To make the fatal leap.
Said they, 'together we'll end our lives,
Rather than to part,'
Within their minds they did contrive
To make the fatal start.
All was quiet and undisturbed,
The hour was growing late,
For awhile they uttered not a word
As they tho't to meet their fate.
Their's was a love so true,—
Not for a day,—
Love that ever seems anew,
That never dies away.
This love began in childhood days,
As days so glided by,
They felt that for each other
Gladly would they die.
Perhaps many minds have wondered,
Why on this eve so late,
This maid and lad with hearts so sad,
Decided to meet their fate.
But the parents of this couple brave,
Firmly did object,
And tho't that both the lad and maid,
Their wishes should respect.
For a while o'er this they did bother,
Why think of the trials of life,
Now comes the words of our Father,
'Forsake all and cleave to thy wife.'
Did it not seem hard for them to live,
Alone thro' the trials of life,
Could he on account of others give,
The dear one he wished to call wife?
No, 'But together we'll strive to live
Or together we'll strive to die,
'Twill be a pleasure our lives to give,
And so with our wishes comply.'
So, 'twas fully decided,
And on one evening late,
To the Leap they slowly glided,
The two to meet their fate.
On! on! to the fatal spot,
The couple made their way,
To bring to an end the plot,
Before another day.
As they reached the craggy edge,
The couple hand in hand,
Carried out their fatal pledge,
Their own, their last demand.
Side by side the couple lay,
Hearts that had beat as one,
Ceased upon that final day,
Their toils on earth now done.
And e'er since that gloomy hour
The story has not failed to keep,
It seems some magnetic power
Holds sway o'er the famous Leap.
Ne'er shall the hist'ry be forgot
By those who the story seek,
But ever famous will be the spot,
Well-known as Lover's Leap.
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