Madelyn Yanchyshyn

Roebling, New Jersey


Many are the stages from the cradle to the grave -
Diversities in journey to each of us God gave.
Within each stage of journey lies paths that one can choose-
Depending on the chosen path, we either gain or lose.

Confusion and perplexity may sometimes come our way-
Despondency and sadness may sometimes waste our day.
Among each stage of journey, there's One we cannot see-
Our guide and our companion near He'll always be.

Giving rest when we are weary, giving joy when we are sad,
Comforting and consoling, each broken heart made glad.
Along this present journey looms chance for eternal wealth-
Along this present journey is choice of immortal health.

Deceptions and distractions along this journey lie-
Illusions of elation, beckon you and I.
Depending on the choice one makes determines what will be-
In the stage that's soon to follow, for all eternity.
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