Lucy Larcom

1824-1893 / the United States


How do I know that after this
Another life there is?
Another life? There is but one!
In mystery begun,
Continued in a miracle, God's breath,
The living soul, spells not the name of death.

How know I that I am alive?
So only as I thrive
On truth, whose sweetness keeps the soul
Vigorous and pure and whole:
Heaven's health within is immortality;
The life that is, and evermore shall be.

To grasp the Hereafter is not mine;
And yet a Voice divine
Hath, page by page, interpreted
Time's book, while I have read:
And, as my heart in wisdom shall unfold,
Secrets of unseen heavens shall I be told.

To Thy Beyond no fear I give;
Because Thou livest, I live,
Unsleeping Friend! Why should I wake,
Troublesome thought to take
For any strange to-morrow? In Thy hand,
Days and eternities like flowers expand.

Odors from blossoming worlds unknown
Across my path are blown;
Thy robes trail hither myrrh and spice
From farthest paradise;
I walk through Thy fair universe with Thee,
And sun me in Thine immortality.
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