Louisa Lawson


Woman's Love

I knew not what thy failings were,
Thy faults I did not see,
I only felt I loved thee well,
And thou wert true to me.
I shunned amid life's busy croud
Those who would thee defame,
It only pained a trusting heart
To hear them idly blame.
I would not heed when meddling friends
Would whisper aught of thee,
I thought not one so seeming true
Could e'er a traitor be.
And then they knew not of the tone
Of love and tond caress,
That would my soul responsive move
With its great tenderness.
Nor how my hungry, aching heart
Craved the kind word or smile,
That would my thoughts, despondent grown.
From my sad life beguile;Fix this text
They know not, and nor mortal shall,
All thou hast been to me,
And now-thou'rt cold and false,-ah, well !
I'll still be tru» 'o thee.
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