Louisa Lawson



Their path had divided, and never again
Would merge into one as before it was twuin.
The course of true love had run smoothly until
It suddenly parted as strong currents will.
But just for a moment-the world is not wide
They drifted together-the soul and its bride.
And under amoities' myĆ³t:cal thrall
A tender love longing did over them fall.Fix this text
And deathly they paled in a tremor of fear,
For soul sobbed to soul while the lovers were near.
But she to the right turned, and he to the left,
Still keeping the course pride and anger had cleft,
Which led o'er the breakers of passion and pain
Far out o'er the wide sea of ' never again.'
Where never a soul was yet known to forget
The pangs of heart hunger or pain of regret.
And vainly a small voice implored them to stay
For pity was not, and they parted for aye.
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