Louisa Lawson


A Birthday Wish

Oh, could I as I lift this pen
Mark out thy destiny,
I would have thee happy now as when
Nurs'd at thy mother's knee.
I would have thee cherish'd, free from harm
On this eventful morn,
Bless'd and content, with brow as calm
As the hour that thou wer't born.
On a peaceful pillow thou wouldst sleep,
Thy dreams should pleasant be ;
Would God, I had the power to keep
Thy heart from sorrow free.
The flowers of hope thy path would strew,Fix this text
To walk in manly pride ;
All hearts around thee firm and true,
Great good should thee betide.
I've not the power, alas, dear friend
To give thee all I say,
But hope they'll please, the lines I send
Thee, on thy natal day.
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