Verbal communication is what we like
Verbal knowledge is what we like
Reading ability in talking we like
Our components of language is stronger
Than criteria type trends
Our vocabulary is a mixed world-over
Our new trend co-existences are words in medium spirits
Formation comes from techniques etc
Matter concepts requires characteristics
Mother’s spoken words visually transition personal individual speeches orientated
Educated tests are an admission to
Dependency of whitefella interviews
Educate quantitative human based degrees must give greater technological importance
To aborigines arts workforces
Verbal bull forms activity to this stage
Verbal bull dust relates modern graduates
Our age video cd’s and tapes are cramming
Children’s aspired relevant solving
Our old memory social reality are utility to recipes imperative inherent to levels
Foundation only develops by black jarjum’s (children)
Handling problem-solving
Listening in rich atmospheres and giving back respective points within learning