Li Ho

790–816 / China

Song: Throwing Off My Sadness Written Under Mount Hua

An autumn wind blows over the earth,
The grasses die,
Mount Hua becomes a sapphire shadow
In the chill of dusk,

Though I have reached my twentieth year,
I've missed my goal.
My whole heart sad and withered
As a dying orchid.

Clothes like the feathers of a flying guail,
Horse like a hound.**
Where the road forks I beat my sword
With a brazen roar.
Dismounting at a tavern I shed
My autumn gown,+
Wishing to pledge it for a jar
Of Yi-yang wine.++

Deep in the jar I called on Heaven -
No clouds rolled back,+++
The white day stretched a thousand leagues,
Cold and forlorn,
My host urged me to cultivate
Both body and soul,++++
Nor care at all if the vulgar crowd
Made mock of me.
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