Leonides S. Sales

San Francisco, California

The President Of The Philippines

F reedom fighter for democracy, world-renowned political figure
I ntellectual person, a vigorous leader, first Filipino Protestant, elected President, inspirations of the younger generations
D evoted man to your family and country
E nergetic President, Commander - in -Chief Armed Forces of the Philippines, Westpointer, former Secretary of National Defense, Chief of Staff AFP, Vice Chief of Staff and Chief Philippine Constabulary
L eadership and outstanding achievement is the key to your success and your children's success in life
V ietnam, Korean and World War II veteran
R eligious warm hearted, soft spoken, a very supportive human being with a Christian heart
A man of integrity and courage, leader of the famous EDSA 1986 revolution
M an of the masses, pride of the Filipino people
O f all the good things you have done for the nation, you'll always be remembered
S on of former Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Narciso Ramos, noble professional family and very humble person.
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