Leone Takudzwa Maera

October 14,2002 -Harare
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The Gold-Miner

Every strike brought down
Sweat to the spine
For a son to wear that gown
To me it’s wasn’t only a sign
To be one day a full grown,
Educated amongst the swine
Of this earth and have a crown
And raise up glasses of wine.

The produce he removed from the earth
Wasn’t at all his but riches of someone neither a scotch
It shined in his eyes and yet a touch away from his own pocket.
The day that I will have all these to myself was always a dream yet today the son has also gone through the same path.

Who knew the sweat of hard work would turn into tears of joy? I guess we never really know what tomorrow holds but only have the date engraved on a paper and even have a name for but never the works we will do on it.
All this is said today because of this Gold miner.
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